Introduction A l'Ontologie

Introduction A l'Ontologie, by Louis Lavelle (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1951)

p. 10/15-16
[For being to be said of everything in the same way it must not say anything about any thing.] : Precisely, and therefore l'être ne se peut pas se dire de toute chose de la même manière (being cannot be said of every thing in the same way). For example: any part of a given object, and that object as a whole, both are; but they have a different order of being. The object as a whole is itself a part of a more general object.


p. 18/8-10
[And this affirmation of any object is nothing but an objectification of the very act of affirming.] : This resembles Sartre's reflet-reflétant, which is an illegitimate device for avoiding an infinite regression. Pure cowardice.


p. 99/fn.
[...The choice that is left to him is only a choice between his own welfare, which is nothing but the appearance of welfare, and the common good, which is alone able to assure him his own welfare.] : Noble sentiments.